Online Techniques for Affordable SEO in Calgary

by MacKenzie Brown on

As we continue to climb out of the great recession, many business owners are still faced with a very limited marketing budget in which to work with. With print advertising going the way of the horse and buggy, many Calgary companies are turning to web marketing techniques in order to promote their products and services. Here are some affordable SEO techniques for Calgary companies to use in order to promote their products online without breaking their budget.

Inexpensive SEO Calgary Online Marketing Strategies:

With fast streaming data becoming the norm now, everyone, especially search engines, loves informational videos. In fact, making a video series and starting a YouTube or Vimeo Channel for your business is much more effective at getting you ranked than your basic SEO business strategies. With a little creative imagination, you can create great content with links to your site that will target the right kind of cliental.

When it comes to affordable and inexpensive SEO Calgary businesses know the value of having a list of potential clients that you can send emails too. Even if half of your sent email messages wind up in somebody’s spam box, email marketing is still one of the most effective online marketing techniques that is out there. In order to maximize the impact of your emails, be sure to provide content that is valuable to your prospective clients.

Business Directories are a great way to drive business to your site. By making sure that your site is listed on all relevant business directories, people will be better able to find you and you will create a bigger web presence in the eyes of the search engines through the creation of backlinks. Listing your site is generally easy and a very effective technique when it comes to affordable SEO Calgary online marketing techniques.

Landing Pages
When you launch a new online advertising campaign, people might very well forget why they clicked on a link if they suddenly find themselves on your site with no idea what they should do next. A much better strategy is to create a Landing Page which takes off where your ad left off and reminds people why they clicked onto your site in the first place. Landing Pages are a Basic SEO technique that all Calgary based business should utilize. They are relatively easy to create and should utilize the same type of messaging and branding of your online ads. Use split testing in order to maximize your conversion rates of these created landing pages.

White Paper Sharing
Do not rely solely on online ads to drive traffic to your business. White papers, reports, and power point presentations are effective ways to get your message to your target audience as well. By sharing them on sites like Scribd or Slideshare, you help ensure your credibility and increase the overall rank of your site. By including links back to your site in this white paper content, you provide yet source of traffic to your site for people who engage themselves with your content.

High Quality Content
A Cheap SEO Company in Calgary might be able to provide you with generic content that is dated and only slightly different from your competitors, but that will only take your site so far up the rankings list. What search engines really love is fresh, high quality content that is relevant to your particular business niche. Create a steady flow of quality content in all forms of media : articles, blogs, videos, podcasts and white papers. If you do not have time to do it all yourself, hire a online content specialist to help you out.

Friendly SEO Calgary Content
The most affordable SEO Content for your Calgary business is content that is search engine friendly. Be sure to include all of the relevant keywords in your press releases in order to find your target audience. This is where hiring a qualified and dedicated content specialist can really come in handy.