Building Website Traffic: Your Company Blog & SEO

by MacKenzie Brown on

Building Website Traffic: Your Company Blog & SEO

One of the primary reasons why it’s so important for websites to maintain a blog is search engine optimization. A blog is an effective way to add keyword-rich content in your website. There are millions of blog readers all over the world. You also have the perfect excuse to be fun and include multimedia files such as podcasts, videos, and images—something you can’t conveniently do if you’re running a professional website.

But before you can relish the benefits of a blog, you should first work your way in making sure it attracts a good amount of traffic from your targeted niche, and the pages are optimized properly. The following ideas can be great starters:

Participate in a blog network. As its name implies, a blog network contains a list of blogs all over the World Wide Web. Becoming a part of one allows you to promote your blog to people who also love to read entries. A lot of them also permit you to add their badge into your page, boosting your credibility or authority.

Update your content often. Make it a habit to have at least 3 blog posts a week, enough for your readers to keep on coming back to your blog. Don’t forget to provide them quality and, as much as possible, unique content. Most of all, be very consistent. For example, if they’re used to seeing a new post every Monday, ensure you can do so all the time.

Add some keywords. Like websites, blogs still depend on keywords to be seen in search engines, especially Google. Nevertheless, see to it you don’t overdo it. In fact, include keywords only when they would appear natural or very important. Your main priority should be the interest of your readers. If they’re happy with what they’re reading, they’ll be more than willing to share your link with others.

Include buttons. Many readers may want to share your post, but they don’t like the time-consuming process of doing so. Give them no excuse by adding buttons on your every post. These buttons may point to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and other social media and networking websites.

Make your page dynamic. Just because we tell you to give quality content, you’ll settle for texts all the time. It’s like reading a physics book. Unless you’re absolutely interested in the subject, it gets pretty boring in the long run. There are many ways to liven up your blog. You can add videos and photos. Many have also tried podcasting and are successful.

Add the subscription button. Don’t let those occasional readers get away from your blog for good. Include a Subscribe button on your blog. It should be added along with your first blog post.

Keep track of your statistics. With tools such as Google Analytics, this shouldn’t be extremely hard for you to do. Tracking allows you to measure the success or lack of effectiveness of your efforts. You’ll know which keywords work very well and which you should concentrate on as well as understand your visitors a lot better.

Credit: An article on internet marketing tactics by the SEO experts at SkySpark Marketing in Calgary.