E-mail Marketing: Etiquette for SEO Practitioners

by MacKenzie Brown on

E-mail Marketing Etiquette for SEO Practitioners
E-mail marketing should be part of your search engine optimization efforts. It is a way of introducing your potential customers into the sales funnel. It is in e-mails you are going to strongly promote your business so you can persuade them to buy your products and remain loyal customers. You can also advertise your keywords and links, as well as increase your traffic through e-mails.

But since e-mail marketing is like going door to door with your goods, you have to remain polite and ethical. You have to know the etiquette in the business, such as the following:

Do not spam.
It is already too much if you are sending two to three e-mails a day. In fact, the best technique is to properly space your e-mails. You can limit your company newsletters to perhaps twice a month. Your regular e-mails may be delivered at least 3 to 5 times a week. If you promised to send an e-mail daily, ensure you only limit it to one.

There are two main reasons. One, you do not want to overwhelm them with a lot of information. Second, you want them to look forward to your e-mails.

Stop hard-selling.
Would you like salespeople begging you to buy their appliances right at your own doorstep? Most definitely, you will shudder with the idea. You already have your first base by being given the chance to e-mail them. Do not let it go by hard selling.

Help your customers make the right decision when it comes to purchasing. Let them know why your products and services are better and, most of all, badly needed. Focus on the benefits rather than the features. Include studies, statistics, and testimonials. Get them through a mini course that will help them understand not only your business but also your niche.

Emphasize this: add your address to your white list.
Immediately after a person subscribes to your mailing list, inform him that he needs to add your address to his white list. This way, your newsletters and e-mails do not end up in the Junk Mail or SPAM folder. It also helps to let him notify his subscription. If he doesn’t receive any notification from you, you can then immediately tell him to check his Junk Mail folder.

Keep your e-mails short.
People don’t have all the time to read lengthy e-mails. Usually they’ll just scan the page looking for something very interesting. If you have to elaborate on something, you can create a page for that and add the link to your e-mail.

Create a good subject line.
Avoid very vague or spam-sounding subjects. You can’t expect them to open your page. Be specific without getting the mystery out of your content.

As much as possible, don’t send attachments.
Many e-mail users are apprehensive about opening attachments, thinking they could be viruses or malware. It’s better if you can already embed the photos directly in your e-mail. If not you can just add a link that points the main location of your supposed attachments.

E-mail Marketing Etiquette for SEO Practitioners | Tips by SkySpark Marketing in Calgary