Facebook SEO 101: Social Media for Search Engine Optimization

by MacKenzie Brown on

Facebook SEO 101: Social Media for Search Engine Optimization
Facebook isn’t only meant for connecting friends and family. The mega-social networking site can also be used for search engine optimization. After all, you can share a variety of multimedia, as well as links that point directly to your blog or website. In fact, your own Facebook page can have a page rank!

But how do you exactly do SEO in Facebook? Here are our tips:

Don’t spam.
Just because it’s your profile doesn’t have to mean you’re going to drown your feeds with a lot of links. Trust us, you’re bound to lose a lot of your contacts. If you can’t help it, limit your links up to 3 to 5 a day. Make sure that you can properly space them all throughout the day so you don’t end up flooding news feeds and your own profile.

Create a fan page.
If you’re using Facebook for business or any type of promotion, it’s best to use its fan page version. This way, you can take advantage of more features. For example, you can create a Welcome page, which may also be your very own mailing list form. You can also be the administrator of your own page and be more in control when it comes to who’s liking your page.

Develop a group.
Going to a much deeper level, to be successful in SEO, you need to be trustworthy. People should find you credible or authoritative, and that all your recommendations are noteworthy. Otherwise, no matter how much you share well-created content, hardly anyone is going to click on your link.

One of the best ways to be considered an expert in your field is to create a group. As the owner, you can then include individuals you think are deserving to be part of your group. Normally, these are your potential market. Make sure you can take the time to answer questions and clear out any issues related to your niche. You should also encourage interactions among members by posting worthwhile links, asking questions, or even creating surveys or polls.

Use keywords.
Yes, you can still use keywords in Facebook. Many are actually using the Search tab to look for a specific information, group, page, or individual. The keyword may be found in your profile name or Facebook URL. You can also pepper some keywords in your multimedia, as well as your status messages.

Upload your own media content.
Get great photos and videos, then upload them in your Facebook. This way, every time someone shares your content, his readers will be directed to your main website or blog. There are plenty of tips on how to produce stunning and well-optimized videos and images online. You can read them for additional knowledge.

Be open for comments.
Another way to engage your friends is to make your page open for comments. Allow them to say something about what you just shared. They may not like everything, but at least you are able to accomplish one of your goals: capture their attention. Just ensure comments remain objective—nothing personal or downright offensive to you or to anybody else.